Hello and welcome! I am so glad you are here. As you explore the site, I hope you enjoy the images and story below which explore the evolution of Bridge to Connection.
The story.
Animals and humans are incredible. I hold a framework of compassion and transformation through the process of sitting with all that is. Animals are such a huge part of our wild and domestic lives, from our inner worlds in our homes to the wild world existing around us and within us. As a young child, I felt deeply connected to all things. As I have grown and developed as a human, musician, artist, intuitive, creator, and communicator, I have found such simple joy and curiosity in the animal communication realm. Working alongside other animal communicators and energy workers, I continue to develop my own intuitive language through all of my senses, telepathic communication, and emotionally attuned self. I have been certified in some very powerful modalities that have been incredibly helpful, healing, playful, joyful, inspirational, and motivating for me and so many others. I hope you are excited to explore and experience these offerings. All that is requested is an open mind, open heart, child-like curiosity, and excitement! It is incredibly important for all people to seek knowledge, guidance, self-understanding, and insight on their own terms and in harmonious ways. For this reason, I am sharing my core beliefs and ethical code below to clarify my intentions, goals, beliefs, and attitudes as a human, healer, and listener. Ethical Considerations. Animal communication is one facet of the rich world of communication. As a communicator, I am not a veterinary professional and do not claim nor wield any authority outside of my scope. Animal communication should never be used in place of veterinary care. If an animal is showing signs of discomfort, unease, or if there are any health concerns, the animal should be provided proper clinical care immediately. The work of animal communication and energy work is the work of understanding. As a communicator, I facilitate space in a sacred container built on trust, nonjudgement, compassion, and respect for both the humans and the animals. I continue to grow in my education, understanding, resources, abilities, and experience, and commit to the expansive and ongoing nature of this work. The work of animal communication and energy work is also the work of honesty, kindness, and transformative healing. I disavow any theology, ideology, philosophy, and belief system that requires scarcity, shame, judgement, fear, and suffering to survive. Healing is a deep knowing, acceptance, and integrative process made possible through individual and collective compassion. I commit to my own individual compassion toward self and other, and to the ongoing practice of radical, generous, humble, flexible, joyful love for all created beings. I believe in this work, I love this work, and I commit to showing up for all creatures (including humans) with my integrity, my heart, my mind, and my capacities in the best ways I can in that moment. As a forever student, I am learning beside each animal, plant, and human in every session. |